Dziś mamy dla Was wywiad z naszym przyjacielem — Diogo. Diogo jest programistą z kilkuletnim doświadczeniem. Zobaczcie co ma ciekawego do powiedzenia. A i żeby nie przeinaczać jego wypowiedzi, wywiad jest po angielsku, ale mamy nadzieję, że to nie problem.
Cykl #kulisy branży IT to seria wywiadów z ludźmi pracującymi w IT. Chcemy pokazać jak szerokie możliwości daje ten sektor, jak różna potrafi być praca i zadania i wyzwania spotykane na co dzień, a przede wszystkim ile satysfakcji może dać praca! To wszystko po to, by zachęcić Cię do spróbowania siebie właśnie w tej branży.
What are the responsibilities in your job?
My responsibilities are mainly developing and maintaining software, ensuring all functionalities work as expected, in the assumed timelines.
How did your career start, how it has developed afterward?
My career begun through a final subject in my Bachelor degree, where an internship was one of the possible choices (being the other a final engineering project). From the internship, there was a mutual agreement to continuing in the same company, outside of the university internship context.
What is necessary to work on a position like you?
I think that an analytical and logical mind, patience and passion for software development (programming).
What is most important in terms of self-development in role you’re fulfilling?
In my perspective the most import elements in terms of self-development are curiosity for new trends and best practice in the field.
Describe briefly your day at work, what kind of challenges do you face?
My day at work usually starts with analysing what was done the day before, organize objectives for the day and try keeping up with them (with much tea/coffee in the middle). Some challenges that I face are mostly transforming the client’s wishes into a product, respecting the limitations of the platform in a way that all the requirements are present.
What would be your advice to a person who starts his/her career in IT industry?
Don’t give up when some “invisible” problem arise (you’ll have plenty), just keep going because “there are dozens of us, dozens!”
Wywiadu udzielił Diogo Teixeira, Software Developer.
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