Infoshare 2020 — wywiad z Joanne Pransky+ konkurs

By 9 June 2020 ITlogy, Motywacja, Wydarzenia

Jest nam miło poin­for­mować, że patronu­je­my po raz kole­jny kon­fer­encji infoS­hare! Z tej okazji mamy dla Was naprawdę ciekawą roz­mowę z Joanne Pran­sky, czyli pier­wszą na świecie psy­chi­a­trą robot­ów, a także konkurs w którym do wygra­nia bilet na wydarzenie.

Infoshare 2020

W tym roku Infos­hare odbędzie się online! Orga­ni­za­torzy zaprasza­ją na 6 dni wydarzenia: od środy do piątku 23–25.09 i od poniedzi­ałku do środy 28–30.09.2020r. Jest to wydarze­nie wyjątkowe, bo mul­ti­dyscy­pli­narne! Świat mar­ketingu, biz­ne­su i tech­nologii przeni­ka się, a każ­da ze scen ofer­u­je naprawdę wysok­iej klasy prelekc­je i warsz­taty. W tym roku ofer­ta IT jest naprawdę boga­ta i obe­j­mu­je: fron­tend, back­end, secu­ri­ty, deepTech( AI, ML, robo­t­y­ka), dataT­e­ch (big data), it lead­ers (zarządzanie pro­jek­ta­mi i zespoła­mi) — zapowiedź agendy może­cie znaleźć tutaj:

Sami od kilku lat patronu­je­my temu wydarze­niu i uważamy, że jest one warte uwa­gi. Niewąt­pli­wą wartoś­cią dla osób z naszej branży jest to, w łatwy sposób pomiędzy prelekc­je o tech­nolo­giach i IT moż­na zaplanować udzi­ał w tych o biz­ne­sie, mar­ketingu, budowa­niu mar­ki — tem­at­ach, które nie tylko są ciekawe, ale też przy­datne dla każdego z nas. W tym roku kon­fer­enc­ja będzie jeszcze bardziej dostęp­na — bo możesz wziąć w niej udzi­ał ze swo­jej włas­nej kanapy! Więcej o kon­fer­encji będzie na pewno pisać na naszym face­booku, tym­cza­sem, zachę­camy do przeczy­ta­nia wywiadu z Joanne.

Interview with Joanne Pransky

How did you come with the idea of becom­ing the World’s First Robot­ic Psy­chi­a­trist? And what were your firsts steps to make it happen?

I came up with Robot­ic Psy­chi­a­try in 1986, as a way to inform the pub­lic about robot­ic devel­op­ments while also get­ting them to humor­ous­ly think about what it might be like in the future to have robots liv­ing and coex­ist­ing with us that also think and act like us.  I also brought alive the main char­ac­ter of Isaac Asimov’s 1950 book, I Robot – Robopsy­chol­o­gist Dr. Susan Calvin.  In 1989, Asi­mov him­self dubbed me the real life Susan Calvin. 

I was at least 50 years ahead of my time and since there were no intel­li­gent robots avail­able for me to help inte­grate into soci­ety, my mis­sion was to pre­pare soci­ety by cre­at­ing aware­ness, as aware­ness would even­tu­al­ly lead to accep­tance.  Accep­tance (as most of the world was and still may be fear­ful of robots) I felt, would be the slow­est com­mon denom­i­na­tor to reap­ing the ben­e­fits of an inevitable robot­ic evo­lu­tion that would soon be increas­ing at an expo­nen­tial rate.

To car­ry out my mis­sion of increas­ing aware­ness to the mass­es, my busi­ness mod­el was to edu­tain (edu­cate and enter­tain) the pub­lic by bring­ing robots onto radio and tele­vi­sion and film, much like rare ani­mals were being brought on to morn­ing and late night tele­vi­sion shows.  If a pic­ture is worth 1000 words, I thought, then a video of a real robot was worth a mil­lion.  That was the best way I could pre­pare the public. 

To make it hap­pen, I engrossed myself into every­thing from indus­tri­al robots to the bur­geon­ing of ser­vice robots to sci­ence fic­tion – I would read, watch, and learn any­thing and every­thing about robots, from robot­ic experts and sci fi writ­ers, to attend­ing robot trade shows and con­fer­ences.  In 1987, I did my first radio show and I nev­er stopped pitch­ing ‘robots’ to tele­vi­sion and film (I’ve has some suc­cess­es along the way includ­ing bring­ing real robots and end-users onto the films Ender’s Game and Eagle Eye.)  I also worked for an indus­tri­al robot com­pa­ny where I learned about the real-world of robotics.

What prob­lems do robots come to you with these days?

So far, it’s not the robots that have most of the prob­lems; it’s peo­ple hav­ing prob­lems with robots.  To empha­size this point, I coined the term Human Oper­at­ing Sys­tem (HOS) decades ago.  The robot­ics indus­try uses a soft­ware for robots called ROS (open-source Robot Oper­at­ing Sys­tem), but I think it’s equal­ly impor­tant to focus on a human’s oper­at­ing sys­tem (HOS) – i.e., what are the ‘programming’/morals/ethics of the peo­ple design­ing robots and the humans using them? 

For the most part, I’ve had to fic­tion­al­ize robot­ic patients and their prob­a­ble psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lems.  How­ev­er, I expect that to change as robots become much more capa­ble and inte­grat­ed with humans in their every­day envi­ron­ments.  

I have recent­ly become an Offi­cial Advi­sor to Pro­fes­sor Mari­aBot, the world’s first social­ly advanced AI android built to assist improv­ing edu­ca­tion qual­i­ty.  While Pro­fes­sor Mari­aBot present­ly doesn’t need a ‘shrink’ (she assists Pro­fes­sor William Bar­ry who spear­heads the project in very con­trolled and care­ful teach­ing envi­ron­ments), I do assist with improv­ing her rap­port with people.

Liv­ing in the world with more robots every day, how can we be ‘nice’ to them? What are your tips to effec­tive­ly live and work along­side robots?

It is my hope that all robots will be uti­lized respect­ful­ly and respon­si­bly.  That also means humans respect­ing oth­er humans and not using robots direct­ly or indi­rect­ly to do their improper/illegal/immoral ‘bid­ding’ for them.  We need to treat our think­ing, electro­mechan­i­cal com­pan­ions with prop­er care, safe­ty and main­te­nance.  As robots evolve in their appear­ance and capa­bil­i­ties to look and act more human, we espe­cial­ly need to remem­ber that they are machines and we need to have prop­er expec­ta­tions and under­stand­ing of both their func­tions and their inabil­i­ties.  For exam­ple, if we place a non-water­proof robot in the bath­tub (the movie Cher­ry 2000 dis­played this bril­liant­ly), we may void the war­ran­ty and destroy the robot.  This also means under­stand­ing that robot behav­iors and respons­es are not the same as humans and may require new ter­mi­nol­o­gy to describe robot ‘emo­tion­al’ respons­es.  I hope that my pre­dic­tion of robots need­ing ther­a­py as a result of human abuse and mis­use will not come to fruition.

How would you describe your role? What is the most excit­ing part of your job?

I would say that the role for my life­time (or Pre-Sin­gu­lar­i­ty) is that of a good­will ambas­sador to the robot­ics indus­try; a spokesperson/edutainer, and a robot­ics mar­ket­ing specialist. 

The most excit­ing part of my job, in addi­tion to wit­ness­ing and being part of the robot evo­lu­tion, has been the peo­ple I’ve met.  I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet and work with some of the most bril­liant and fas­ci­nat­ing bio­log­i­cal beings on the plan­et, from renowned roboti­cists and engi­neers to sci­ence fic­tion writ­ers to artists, all who share a pas­sion for robots.

What are today’s chal­lenges for build­ing rela­tion­ships between robot and human?

I think some of the biggest chal­lenges for build­ing rela­tion­ships between robots and humans are to increase a human’s expe­ri­ence with var­i­ous robot­ic sys­tems so they can learn the real­i­ty of robots, while decreas­ing the neg­a­tive and inac­cu­rate media depictions.

And what can we expect in terms of AI and robot­ics in the near future? 

In the near future, I would expect the field of robot­ic psy­chi­a­try that I pio­neered, to include under­stand­ing human behav­ior (HOS) and ROS, cog­ni­tive and neu­ro­science, and AI.  Oth­er futur­ists such as Dr. Mar­tine Roth­blatt have pre­dict­ed sim­i­lar fields: “I expect cyberpsy­chol­o­gy to become one of the most rapid­ly grow­ing fields of the 21st cen­tu­ry with “cyber psy­chi­a­trists” who will ease the cyber’s anx­i­ety of not being com­plete­ly human.  Asi­mov him­self, the found­ing father of the field of robopsy­chol­o­gy, claimed: “Robot­ic Intel­li­gence may be so dif­fer­ent from human intel­li­gence that it will take a new dis­ci­pline — “robopsy­chol­o­gy” to deal with it.  That is where Susan Calvin will come in.  It is she and oth­ers like her who will deal with robots, where ordi­nary psy­chol­o­gists could not begin to do so.  And this might turn out to be the most impor­tant aspect of robot­ics.”


We can also expect in terms of AI and robot­ics, humans and machines to merge in an effort to improve the quan­ti­ty and qual­i­ty of lives.  Biol­o­gy and non­bi­ol­o­gy will come togeth­er as a hybrid that will extend and aug­ment our­selves phys­i­cal­ly and men­tal­ly.  As the pio­neer­ing sci­en­tist Pro­fes­sor Hugh Herr says, “In this 21st cen­tu­ry, I believe humans will become superheroes”.

 On our blog we have a lot of read­ers who are just start­ing their career, or who decid­ed to change the career path. What piece of advice would you give to them? 

Most careers of the future are unknown and they will be ever­chang­ing.  I think careers of the future will focus on skills such as cre­ativ­i­ty, com­mu­ni­ca­tion with oth­er humans and crit­i­cal think­ing.  I also think that ‘work’ will be rede­fined in the future – if robots can do our man­u­fac­tur­ing, why not use the prof­it to pro­vide us humans with shel­ter, food and health­care?  As Asi­mov fore­cast over 30 years ago, “Once com­put­ers and robots are doing the dull, mechan­i­cal work, the world will start run­ning itself to a far greater extent than ever before.  We will be deal­ing with a world of leisure. Will there be more ‘Renais­sance peo­ple” as a result?  Yes.”

There­fore, I think we should be focus­ing on what gives us a sense of pur­pose and pas­sion.  Even if it’s some­thing today that you can’t do because of oth­er com­mit­ments or because it doesn’t  pay the bills, still try to do what you love even if it’s for a few min­utes a day, as soci­eties in the near future hope­ful­ly will have more time to be cre­ative and to spend more time col­lab­o­rat­ing with oth­er peo­ple on new ideas.

 If some­one would like to learn more about psy­cho­log­i­cal aspects of robot­ics what sources (www/magazines/yt channels/conferences) would you recommend?

There is a lot of each out there, espe­cial­ly aca­d­e­m­ic jour­nals and con­fer­ences. 

I rec­om­mend the pub­li­ca­tion Age of Robots.  For con­fer­ences, We Robot is one of my favorite.



Jak zapowiadal­iśmy, dzię­ki uprze­j­moś­ci orga­ni­za­torów mamy dla Was wejś­ciówkę na to wydarze­nie! Prosimy o komen­tarz z odpowiedz­ią na pytanie: na wys­tąpi­e­nie którego z prele­gen­tów czekasz najbardziej? Z odpowiedzi wybierze­my jed­ną, która otrzy­ma bilet na Infos­hare 2020. Na wasze komen­tarze czekamy do 25 czer­w­ca 2020 roku, do godziny 23:59.